These harvest days are long. Do you ever feel like parts of your to-do list gets squeezed out consistently? I have made some very intentional decisions regarding my family in the last year or so in regard to how we homeschool, and have laid out all of my goals. I knew going into this year that I would have to sacrifice more, and it would cut deep. It was not thrust on me. I made the choice.
These harvest days, Knut is not often there to support me at home, and in addition, needs support from me more than he usually does. (I’ve actually been horrible at supporting him this harvest. I’ll blame it on having a little infant, but really he’s not the issue.) This year we are doing Classical Conversations for a homeschool co-op. It’s all day once a week, and for a few of my kids, it requires more focus and time-sensitive assignments into their education, which was sorely lacking. It’s brought me into contact with some wonderful new mom-friends. It’s one of the best decisions we’ve made for our kids’ education, as I feel like I have the support, inspiration, and accountability I need to really thrive in this area right now.
Last year my kids’ activities grew with such speed, that I was floundering, and this year I’ve decided to embrace this season and stop fighting it. I’m glad I did, because the focus and attention they have demanded from me these last few months bloomed into this enormous job that at times overwhelms me.
My writing has suffered.
I have been praying many times that I would keep my writing in correct priority to all the other work God has prepared for me to do. As writing feels like it is getting squeezed out of my daily life, I’m praying so hard that God would keep me sane. I miss writing like a dear friend. I miss writing so much it’s suffocating at times. My writing life isn’t gone. It’s just that part of the daily list that is consistently getting squeezed off.
As I’m writing this right now, I’m sitting on the floor, at the end of a hall in the YMCA, listening to an aerobics class blaring on the other side of the door. My big kids are doing their Tae Kwon Do. My little kids are in child watch. I’m trying to get my brain settled since it feels like I had at least 3 kids speaking to me at all times, since I woke up this morning. It wasn’t 3 kids fault. They all participated in “Operation Overload Mommy.” They took shifts.
I’ve asked God, in my not-so-quiet-times, if I shouldn’t be writing right now, and if I need to let go of the blog, to give me a peace about that. However, just the opposite has happened. Every time I pray about it, ideas just keep flowing out so fast that I’ve actually gotten a notebook to quick notes to come back to and expand. It happens whenever I dare approach the throne of grace on this issue. Ideas keep flowing for a group Bible Study book that I’ve been attempting to write. I have ideas for a podcast, and spend some of my time trying to learn the software for that. Learning new technology is painfully slow for me. I sense God’s calling on my life even stronger in this area than ever.
So I just keep living each day, and reminding myself of my priorities. I have gotten more organized than I have in my entire life…entirely by survival necessity. I’m aiming for excellence in so many areas, and as I see this writing dream of mine get squeezed out of my days, the vision for what God wants me to do gets bigger. I can’t quiet explain it, other than to assume that not every day will be like right now.
12 years into this mothering journey, I’ve learned one main thing: the rhythm is constantly changing.
There are seasons of naps, seasons of no naps. I’ll have seasons of loneliness and seasons of overwhelming fullness. There are seasons of full schedules, and seasons of lazy days around the house. There are seasons of awe, and seasons of frustration. Sometimes the seasons are years. Sometimes they are days. Sometimes they feel like mere hours.
It seems I’m not allowed to give up my dreams, even though they’re not fitting so well in my current season. As many times as I offer them up to God, he keeps growing them. He keeps reminding me that he has not forgotten, and it’s not time yet.
So friends, the writing is coming slow, but I still relish in hearing from each of you. I do try to pop over on Facebook and Instagram when I can. Waiting on God is ridiculously simple right now as I’m too busy to wonder when I’ll have time for something. But it’s just the season. I’m not quite sure how long this season will last, or how quickly I should expect to switch gears. Thankfully, I don’t need to know. All I have time to do is to try to do the season in which I find myself as well as God’s grace allows.
Don’t give up on me, friends. Feel free to email me or touch base on social media if you need to reach out to a friend. I’m not always able to write back, but I always say a prayer for you.
L R says
October 27, 2016 at 8:01 pmThis was really encouraging! Thank you for posting!
Sabriena says
October 28, 2016 at 9:35 amI thought something along those lines must be going on. 🙂 My family is still small, but I was raised in a large homeschool family, and learned that there are certainly seasons where you don’t have time for everything.
Have fun in this busy time!
Jodi/CO says
October 28, 2016 at 3:32 pmActually, those kinds of seasons continue all your life I have found. God seems to like seasons a lot. So I try to adjust, to live in whatever season I find around me. It is seldom easy and I don’t think it is meant to be. Your seasons now are young, growing family. My seasons are elderly, moving more slowly. Each season, whether young or old, requires paying attention, being willing to gracefully move with the changes, seeing God working in each aspect, watching the steps ahead so we don’t miss when He turns, embracing the differences, loving the changes. Learn how to dance. Keeps you light on your feet. Many blessings on your journey.
Rebekah says
October 29, 2016 at 8:24 amWhat a beautiful reminder! He has not forgotten you or your dreams. You are his precious daughter and he knows you better than you know yourself. Be still and wait on him. He will fulfill those longings and dreams of yours in his good time, which is far different than our timing, but it is the best!
Enjoy this season 🙂
Elizabeth says
October 29, 2016 at 12:05 pmI totally get that. God bless you. I like your conclusions; they sound ‘right’ if that makes sense. God keep you in His mercy!
Ashley Hicks says
October 29, 2016 at 10:48 pmI’m sure it would be “easy” to push the writing aside altogether with how busy you are, but it’s inspiring to hear you listen and pursue in the midst of chaos. As a mom of 3, soon 4….and maybe…hopefully homeschooling…. thanks.