Well, spring finally arrived, and we were busy this last weekend cleaning up the yard before Knut starts planting. Richard and Linda haven’t moved their things out of the summer kitchen yet, and we found a child sized wheelbarrow in there for the kids to help use. Silje took about 4 trips of leaves to our new compost pile, but then decided to play hopscotch. David took over responsibility of the wheelbarrow, and took his job very seriously.
We got most of our park of a lawn clean free of leftover leaves, sticks, etc. It’s been so much fun to actually play outside everyday. Today is supposed to be in the 60s again, and we are very ready for it! The tulips are coming up so fast! Silje always checks them first when she goes inside, and is always excited about their daily growth.
Potty training with David has started again. I figured since he brings me a clean diaper and says “Mommy, my diaper is wet, please change it” and lays down without being asked, and shows off his knowledge by telling me which is the right and left side of his diaper, he just might be ready for potty training 😉
Here is David helping Knut load up our corn stove after church. He likes to show off his muscles!
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